Sunday, July 27, 2008

Thing #5 -
I remember discussing this site in Bishop's class. I hope that I remember this site and inform my teachers about it. I only say, "I hope" because there are so many things that I am learning and I know that I will only retain so much. I found this picture that I truly thinks captures our curiousity to learn more and to be taught.
Photo by: Tom@HK
Thing 3 and 4 - It really wasn't that hard. My husband said that it didn't look like me but my 4 year old daughter did. Hopefully the other "things" will go semi quickly so that I can finish this before the end of the semester. Note to self 6 hours in one summer session is not a good idea and will hopefully be my last time to do it.

Being a lifelong learner

Thing #2:Being a lifelong learner is difficult to a certain extent. I believe that we are all lifelong learners to a certain extent because life is continually changing and if we don't change with it we are left behind. I will admit that learning new things is extremely scary yet exciting at the same time. When I watched the pointers of a lifelong learner I took a while to determine what I found to be the hardest for me. The easiest seemed to be begin with a goal in mind. I can see my goal (graduating with a Masters in Library Science no later than May 2010) within reach and even though there are times it seems that it is forever awayI know that if I stick to my plan that I will eventually succeed.
The hardest part of being a lifelong learner is veiwing problems as challenges. I am extrememly hardheaded. I am so busy like most people and I do not want a problem to take up more in my already busy life. I think that my main reason for not wanting to take up more time is my loving family. I have to work full time and I don't have the opportunity to spend the time I want to with my daugther or husband. I get very frustrated when after I prove that I can accept the challenge that someone will come along and say, "well you did that so why don't you do this too".