Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Thing # 14

My husband and I have never been big on blogging. I guess we saw it as a waste of time that only people with time did. Through this discovery of 23 Things I have realized that yes there are people that have way to much time on their hands, but overall the blogging community is very helpful. I really like Technorati because it tends to take a lot of the search out of searching and gives you what you need. I especially liked using the popular blog and the keyword searches. I liked how it gave you the top 100 blogs and popular things of the moment. You would still have to filter but I can see how students would really enjoy some of the things that are found. I also liked the fact that it gave you different popular topics like movies, music, news, DVDs, and books. Like everything else on this 23 things I plan to tag and research Technorati more during the next couple of weeks.

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